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Budgets wireless networks – GuestHouse, Guest accommodation, Hostel Silves

Algarve-cctv develops root solutions for Video Surveillance and Wireless Networks (Wireless)
We have specific solutions for: Hotels, GuestHouses, Hostels, local accommodation in general, we have been installing several wireless network solutions throughout the country, our work is more focused on the Algarve but we have already installed across borders.
general contact form.

Our Professional wireless internet solution starts at 150,00 € + VAT, does not contain the installation value, and does not dispense with a technical study of the space.
We can give you an example of a turnkey solution for 10 rooms for 400,00 € + VAT, this value is merely an example, since each space needs a prior technical study.

If you are a guest house owner in Silves or in another locality and want to optimize your internet signal through wireless networks or through cables talk to us today and ask for a budget without any commitment, we will be happy to study one solution for themselves and present the best type of equipment vs. cost benefit.
You can request a visit from a technician from our contact: 282 182 054 or from our contact form

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