
How to manage km map in Excel

How to Manage km map in Excel?
Today we present the solution from our technological partner Prime Gestão Software which offers an online solution to manage km maps for your company/activity, with the software saft.primegestao.com allows you to create km map and everything online.
Managing the km you do on your vehicles can be easily managed and exported to Excel, with the saft.primegestao.com solution you can create km maps in Excel and view the km report on your vehicles and in company vehicles.
To see the solution for creating km online with your own vehicle, simply access the address: saft.primegestao.com and access your work area.
With the saft.primegestao.com solution it is possible to create the map of km with online software with updated data from 2024 and other current years. If you have your own vehicle and are self-employed, know that you can manage the number of km traveled. Do you know the importance of managing expenses when filling out the km map? ? Know that you can deduct travel expenses using the km map and not pay as much in IRC/IRS, the km map is extremely important to reduce the taxes you have to pay to your finances every year. Do you have any questions about the online solution for km map? Talk to Prime Gestão Software today. We are happy to present solutions that help small and medium-sized entrepreneurs to better manage their companies and businesses and pay less taxes and reduce the tax burden, which is a record across Europe. Prime Management Software also has other IT solutions that allow companies to assist in their day-to-day work, come and learn about solutions such as SEF/INE and the sending of mandatory information that Local Accommodation and entities linked to Tourism and Hospitality are obliged to comply, find out more information at: sef.primegestao.com